Table of Contents
Part 1. What’s a Match Cut
A match cut means jumping from two or more video clips without letting audiences feel abrupt. Video clips used to do match cut must share similar graphics, sound elements, or movement. Most of the time, doing match cuts doesn’t require using other editing techniques, except for merging videos and some basic transitions.
Match cut is most widely used in travel video, TV series, and movies. Here is a travel video full of match cut transitions.
Still don’t know what a match cut is? In the following parts, we will explain the match cut transition with real examples.
Match Cut Example Travel Video
Can't Miss: 10 Camera Transitions You Must Know to Level Up Your Video
5 Seamless Match Cut Transition Examples
Match Cut Transition Example - Graphic
The graphic match cut means two video clips with similar graphics are joined together. In the previous travel video, there are lots of scenes with people’s back views being merged together. That’s a perfect graphic match cut transition. The example video also shows a perfect graphic match cut. The bone thrown into the sky turned into a satellite. This one is quite classic.
Match Cut Transition Example - Graphic
Match Cut Transition Example - Movement
Movement match cut transition implies two videos whose movements are matched. In the example below, the video of a man falling down matched with a video clip of a robot falling down. However, that’s not the only way to do movement match cut transition. You can also join the videos at the same speed together. That also gives people a cohesive look.
Match Cut Transition Example - Movement
Match Cut Transition Example - Audio
This is obvious, video clips with the same background audio can be cut together. You might wonder, how does that make any difference if I add the same background music to several video clips? That’s not an audio match cut. To make the videos go naturally, we look for videos with similar original audio.
Match Cut Transition Example - Audio
Match Cut Transition Example - Color
Color match cut transition means combining videos with the same color together. In the example video, the match fire turns into the sunset, and the sunset is turned into a desert. The three scenes are both red.
Match Cut Transition Example - Color
Match Cut with Logic
This video is from one of the best TV series Why Women Kill. Rob has been cheating on Beth Ann for many years. Their daughter died because of one of his mistresses, and Beth Ann had no idea about that. After their daughter died, Rob bought a house to get rid of the past. After many years in this house, Beth Ann found out the truth and decided to kill Rob.
This first part of the video ends with Rob saying where is the smile I love when they were buying the house, and the second part of the video starts with a big smile in Beth Ann trying to kill Rob. This seamless match cut transition brings the story from the past to the present.
Match Cut with Logi
Shortcut to Impressive Transition
Some of the match cut techniques are easy to follow, while some are quite hard. In case you want to use some simple transitions, here is how to get them without paying or subscription.
Click on the Create a Video button below to enter FlexClip’s editing page, drag and drop your video clips to the timeline. Click on the small icon between the videos, you can access 50+ smooth transitions that are suitable for all videos. Upload your video clips and add smooth transition between them right now!

Transitions Free to Get
In a Nutshell
That’s all for the 5 types of match cut transitions. We also offered 50+ seamless free transitions for you to edit videos. Do remember to use them. If you find this post helpful, do remember to share it so that others may benefit from it.