Create Billboard Mockup Videos Online for Free
Let FlexClip's free online billboard mockup generator work its magic to help you quickly make creative billboard mockup videos for marketing, design, and advertising. Explore our extensive stock library to find subway, airport, highway, and other outdoor billboard mockups with a green screen that can be combined with product photos and footage using the picture-in-picture tool. Add text, voice-overs, music tracks, eye-catching animations, attention-grabbing transitions, and other elements to ensure a compelling look and feel for your brand. Professionally crafted billboard mockup video templates catering to various scenarios are also great springboards for content creators and marketers, especially those new to video creation. Try it for free now!
Make a Free VideoHandy video editor
Rich video templates
Extensive media library
Dynamic text animations
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Why You Need to Make a Billboard Mockup Video
Boost Sales
A compelling video can absolutely influence buying behavior, leading directly to sales.
Increase Traffic
Nothing can compare to the power of video content when it comes to driving traffic to your site.
Encourage Social Shares
Videos on social media platforms generate more likes and shares than images and text combined.
How to Make a Billboard Mockup Video in 3 Steps
- 1
Add Media
Add videos or photos from computer or stock libraries to the scene.
- 2
Add text, music, and voiceover to customize your billboard mockup video.
- 3
Download your billboard mockup video in various ratios and definitions or share it online with the world.