Add Transitions to Video

Add a transition between video clips to create a smooth effect.

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Add Transitions to Video

Why Choose FlexClip to Add Transitions to Video?

Supports Popular Video Formats

Supports Popular Video Formats

FlexClip supports all popular video formats like MP4, MOV, and M4V. Easily add seamless transitions to various videos.

Online Video Editor with Transitions

Online Video Editor with Transitions

All the video editing is processed online. Quickly add transitions to your video without any downloads or installs.

No Learning Curve

No Learning Curve

FlexClip's intuitive UI and ease of editing make it a breeze for any creator to add transitions to a video.

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Choose from 200+ Smooth Transitions

Apply transition effects such as fade, dissolve, blur, wipe, slide, zoom, etc., to smoothly transition between video clips. If you are looking for more creative effects, we also provide transitions of geometric shape movements, water flow, etc. Experiment with different transitions to find the ones that work best for your video.

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Choose from 200+ Smooth Transitions

Refine Transition Effects with Customization Options

Adjust the transitions to match the tone of the video. You can choose its directions to achieve more dynamic changes, change color to bring it into correspondence with the theme color, and adjust the duration to control how long it shows.

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Refine Transition Effects with Customization Options

Enhance Videos with More Preset Effects

Take your video to the next level with more built-in resources. You can apply filters and special effects to the video. More, contrast, exposure, brightness, saturation, and other video settings can be adjusted to help you achieve an aesthetic video look.

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Enhance Videos with More Preset Effects

How to Add Transition to Videos?

  1. 1

    Add Video

    Upload at least two video clips and add them to the timeline.

  2. 2

    Apply Transition

    Click the icon between the scenes and open the transition panel. Then choose transitions you like and apply.

  3. 3

    Export & Share

    Export your video with transition effects and share it online directly.

How to Add Transition to Videos?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are video transitions?

Video transitions are effects used to move from one scene to another in a video smoothly. They can make your video flow naturally and provide a better viewing experience.

How can I change the duration of each transition?

Head to transition panel, select a transition, and the settings will appear under the effects. Then drag the slider to left or right to reduce or increase the duration of the transition.

Is there a limit to the number of transitions that I can add?

There is no limit to the number of transitions that you can add throughout the entire video. However, only one transition effect can be added between two video clips.