AI Background Remover

Remove background from images automatically with one click.

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AI Background Remover

Why Choose FlexClip AI Background Remover

AI Background Removal

The cutout tool utilizes AI technology that enables you to remove backgrounds from images with no effort.

100% Online

Remove background from images with our web-based background removal tool. No software or extension download required.

High Accuracy

Accurately remove the background of an image, even if it has complex shapes or patterns.

Remove Background from All Types of Images


Remove background from the portrait and replace original background with various scenes.


Cut out the background from product photos to make marketing materials for ecommerce shops.


Erase background from graphics and apply new transparent graphics to other designs.

Remove Background from All Types of Images

Edit the Image Cutout at Will

After the removal is finished , you will get a new image with a transparent background. Then you can change the background, add text, graphics and animation effects to polish the design.

How to Remove Background from an Image?


Upload Image

Choose an image you want to remove background from the computer.


Remove Background

Remove background from the image with a click and adjust cutout.


Download and Edit

Download your image with a transparent background or keep editing.

How to Remove Background from an Image?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a background remover?

An image background remover is an essential tool for anyone who need to work with images, particularly for graphic designers, photographers, and e-commerce shop marketers. Removing the background of an image can make it more visually appealing and professional-looking.

How do I make a background transparent?

Remove the background from your photos with our tool. Then the new image will be downloaded as a PNG file with a transparent background.

How to change the background of a photo?

Remove the original photo background first. Put the cutout on the canvas and fill the background with a new color or image. You can upload your photos, choose from the millions of stock photos, or generate new images with the AI image generator.